
Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

The "normal" Orthodox and the rest of the Orthodox faithful?

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για ορθοδοξη εκκλησία


The "normal" Orthodox and the rest of the Orthodox faithful?
Well, what is now the difference between the "normal" Orthodox (the purified ones) and the rest of the Orthodox faithful? Do they differ in the dogma (doctrine)? Of course not, because all of us Orthodox generally believe in the same dogmas; we all know that be believe in the right way. We have our creed, and we truly recite it correctly (with no alterations, additions or subtractions). Needless to say, it counts only for those who know it.
Suppose now, we are in a church, 300 Orthodox people, and we participate in the Divine Liturgy. Out of these 300, let us suppose only five are in a state of illumination. They have gone through the purification process, cooperating with the Divine Grace, and have been illumined by the Holy Spirit; just five of them! The rest, in our hypothesis, are not illumined. They actually have no idea about what purification is, as is usually the case...
So, the question is: Among these 300 Orthodox, how many are the "normal" ones?

Unfortunately, “normal” are only those five mentioned above. It is tough to admit, but it is the bitter truth! And, if we consider how many of all Greek Orthodox go to church every Sunday, we will figure out it is a mere 3%. Out of this 3%, how many know what it means to be purified from the passions, so they can get into this process? And how many of them have been successfully purified, in order to be "normal" after all.
Do you see?... Going to church or acting orthodox (rituals) is not the only important thing. For example, many of us think it is enough and we are OK, when we light up a candle and regularly call a priest for the Unction or the Holy Water Service. We may probably attend spiritual homilies (sermons) and even let our children regularly attend Sunday school. All these are religious activities, but, if we do not purify ourselves from our sinful passions and reach the state of illumination, we are actually not "normal", we cannot be considered true members of the Church.
Purification and illumination are in fact specific conditions we can find ourselves in and can be easily recognized by experienced and illumined spiritual Fathers. There are truly certain criteria, according to which we can verify a person's mental health and its degree of restoration. Orthodoxy is a medical science. The Church is the only medical praxis of the human soul and has doctors: the spiritual Fathers and a head-Physician, Himself our Lord Jesus Christ!
In the Church we talk about realities, not about ideas and philosophical theories. Since the nous is a natural organ of a human being, of every human being here on earth, not only of the Greeks or the Orthodox, but also of the Muslims and the Buddhists and all people around the Globe, it is most evident that all of us have the same need for purification and illumination. And this, because all people's nous is darkened.

f. Savvas Agioreitis

To be continued...

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