
Σάββατο 13 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Western “theology” & “spirit” influence our orthodox theology and education

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για ΔΥΤΙΚΉ θΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ


Western “theology” & “spirit” influence our orthodox theology and education

So, Europe has all the aforementioned demonic theology, which is more or less unfortunately established among us orthodox Christians, too. They introduce a punishing and rewarding God. This means, the essence of Orthodoxy in Greece is a set of moral values, an ethicology, concludes Fr. John Romanides.
Fr. John Romanides was a great man and a very bright professor, and his remark was absolutely well-aimed. Unfortunately, all these false theories were (and maybe still are being) taught, because most of the Greek novices in theology were (and obviously more today) influenced by the western “theology”. The Theology Schools and academic faculties of orthodox Greece have been unfortunately founded on protestant standards and values. And, on top of that, many of our candidates and graduates in the faculty of theology (already carrying the burden of theological darkness from their studies in our universities) leave Greece and go to the West, so they can eventually receive even more of this darkness. When they come back, they usually get an academic position and by rule they reproduce what they’ve been taught.

I challenge you: go to our Schools of Theology and see what is being taught in their auditoriums. For sure, not Orthodox Theology! There are, of course, laudable exceptions… However, what students usually receive is of protestant spirit, and this, because the appointed professors have got their post-graduate diplomas and PhDs usually from Western universities; in Tübingen (Germany), for instance.
Tübingen is the birthplace of Protestantism, the birthplace of heresy! And, imagine, we go there to be supposedly illumined!... darkened, I would dare to say… and then, proudly parroting what we have learned there, we transfer it to the students, who come to the Schools of Theology with the aspiration to supposedly receive the Orthodox teachings… and, this way, the theological darkness is passed on from one generation to the next.
Do you know when all this evil started here in Greece?

Just read Adamantios Koraïs, and you will figure it out for sure. You will find his pejorative words against monasticism, hesychastic life and Orthodox tradition. This is where it all started with the anti-Orthodox and anti-monastic policy in Greece.

f. Savvas Agioreitis

To be continued...

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