times, our relationship with God, talking about us orthodox
Christians, is not at all a loving one; it is kind of a
transactional, a utilitarian relationship. In this relationship we
actually use God, in order for us to have a good time here on earth,
and it has become similar to the relationship believers of other
religions have with their so-called gods (e.g. the demons).
other believers say to themselves: “I’ll go to my Hindu priest,
my yogi etc., I will give him some money, fruits etc., I will offer
my sacrifice and he will read a special “prayer” in return, so
things will finally go well for me in life, so I suppose, and I will
not get any diseases, my harvest will go well, my car will stay in
perfect condition, my investments in the stock-exchange market will
eventually grow, and I will even find a good groom for my daughter!
is not a joke! It is very sad, but this is how we, orthodox
Christians, behave many times towards our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.
An example that shows our high degree of ignorance and alienation to
God is the following: We go to our priest and say:
So and So, please come to my place and offer the Mystery of Holy
Unction (or the Mystery of Holy Water) for me.”
should I do them for you, my child?” asks the priest.
the good of it.”
“good”? Do we know what “good” is?
question is and should always be “Why do we conduct the Mystery of
Holy Unction?”
Unction is a special Mystery of our Church that is offered for the
healing of the soul and body of ill persons. It is indispensably
connected with Confession and Repentance. How do we expect from God
to come and heal us, when we do not want to have a true, healthy
relationship with Him, when we don’t love Him, when we do not
repent, when we do not change the way we live? What do we want the
Holy Unction for? Many say they want it just for the good, for a
blessing… to come to terms with God, and, this way, they degrade
the Mystery of Holy Unction by turning it into an act of magic!
can you reconcile with God, if you don’t repent, if you don’t ask
for forgiveness for all the bad things you have done? How will you
restore your communion with God? Do you think that God is an angry
and revenge-seeking Being with a policeman-attitude, and needs to be
appeased this way? No. This is an absolute misconception about God.
Why? Because God does not need to be appeased; He always
loves us… whether we are sinners, righteous, or even when we are in
Hell, even then, He loves us! Even when we become demonized (due to
our severe sins), even then He loves us all the same. He even loves
those very demons… He loves everyone!
keep in mind, God
changes. WE are the ones who ought to change, to repent and return to
God, so He can come and do His work inside us.
we sin, we build a “wall” around us, so God’s love, Energy and
Grace cannot pass through (can, but He respects our free will), they
cannot reach our soul and heal us, make us healthy again! This is
when we become really sad. If we do not break down this wall with our
repentance, and we may use as many “magic tricks” as we wish, we
cannot be in communion with God; nothing really happens!
according to the Western theology, and unfortunately according to our
twisted orthodox one as well, when we are “good boys and girls”
God loves us!
f. Savvas Agioreitis
To be continued...
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