anti-monastic and anti-hesychastic spirit today
New Age spirit, the secularized and syncretistic spirit (a blend of
dogmas from various religions) has been submissively adopted by many
people. We can observe that when somebody decides to become a monk or
a priest… negative reaction by their very parents and relatives and
close friends is a common practice. “What are you up to? Are you
sure? Do you really mean to become a monk?” are some of the phrases
they use.
mind-set was not present among the Greek peoples before the
Revolution (1821 A.D.). They loved both the monks and the nuns, which
were considered exemplary models for the laity. Just read about
Byzantium and its history.
you know how Constantinople was called? It was called “The Great
Monastery”! This was the name of this great city, because it was
full of monasteries; all of them inside its surrounding walls, not
outside! I point that out, because nowadays people want monasteries
to be placed away from them and from their lives as far as possible.
They are afraid of being “contaminated” by the monks (their
monastic habits), who walk and talk among us! This sick attitude,
this mind-set was passed over to the orthodox by the heretic
Protestants of the West, and, in a sense, deeply destroyed our
subconscious, the very deep parts of the Greek soul…
f. Savvas Agioreitis
To be continued...
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