Το απομαγνητοφωνημένο κείμενο του π. Ναθαναήλ.
Who Leaked COVID-19?
ABC recently aired a bonifide scoop:
“The US Military knew as far back as November that a contagion was getting out of hand in Wuhan.”
Yet China at the time knew of only a few cases it had assumed was an unknown viral pneumonia.
China saw nothing “devastating” back then of which the Pentagon had suspiciously anticipated.
So where did COVID begin?
Independent virologists from Japan and Taiwan specified that the genome sequencing and mutation data tag it to America.
What then did the US Military know and how did it know it? [Clip]
[”It was just yesterday that President Trump said that no one had even heard of the virus two months ago. But we are now learning that as far back as late November, American military medical investigators overseas sounded the alarm to officials right here at home about a contagion that was sweeping through Wuhan. There were concerns that the virus could be devastating were detailed in a Report, and multiple sources have described that Report to our team.”]
The National Center of Military Intelligence—writers of the Report—foresaw the “contagion” fully a month before China even knew it had a lethal virus on its hands.